Covering Insights into Cut Resistant Sleeves
Posted by Anthony Webb on Dec 5th 2024
Cut-resistant sleeves provide extended protection past the hand and up a person's forearm. Most often, sleeves are worn in conjunction with cut-resistant work gloves. newbb电子平台 Safety offers individuals one of the largest selections of cut resistant sleeves, over 68 different variations to be exact.
In the below article, we will highlight significant information users look for when selecting cut-resistant sleeves.
Applications for Sleeves
Protecting the arms from cuts, scratches, heat, and flames is vital for numerous occupations. They are especially helpful when working in tight spots. Here are some of the industries and applications where you will find individuals wearing cut-resistant sleeves
- Farming: protects arms from scratches when handling animals
- Foundry: molten metal burns through cotton, making ARX and Kevlar sleeves essential protection.
- Landscaping: trimming hedges
- Glass Processing: cutting glass and handling glass
- Gardening: protection from pruning and thorns
- Manufacturing: assembly line operations, steel mills, and inspection areas
- Maintenance workers: arms are exposed to restrictive working conditions.
- Metal Stamping: automotive parts
- Metalworkers: anyone involved with metal fabrication
- Recycling: workers often require A9 protection.
- Sheet Metal Installation: air ducts
- Utilities: being scratched from cut trees.
Keep in mind, if you require heat protection, you will only want to consider sleeves made with Aramid fibers, which are highlighted below. Also, be sure to review the specific product's webpage for all updated performance testing data.
Sleeve Lengths and Options
The below image shows you the various fibers we utilize to manufacture sleeves and multiple sleeve lengths. We cover below the differences in the cut-resistant materials used.
Our Premium Grade sleeves are made with more of the primary cut-resistant fiber. The competitive value grade sleeves are made with less premium cut-resistant material and added stretch material to keep costs down.
Feature Options
We also manufacture sleeves with various other features, which depend on the user's needs and preferences. Our next image shows multiple options, such as sleeves made with a Thumb Slot or a cotton interior.
Cut-Resistant Sleeve Options
New Arm Cinch Style
Are you tired of cut-resistant sleeves falling down your arm? newbb电子平台 Safety's new Hi-Vis Orange cut-resistant sleeves are designed to keep the sleeve firmly in place! The upper arm cinch is easy to adjust and adjusts to your arm size.
Are you looking for the sleeves that never move throughout the workday? One of the above options is it!
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Cut-Resistant and Flame-Resistant
DuPont™ Kevlar® is inherently flame-resistant and can withstand heat up to 900°F (400°C) without degrading, making it an ideal material for FR sleeves. Our lineup of sleeves made with Kevlar® protects against heat, cuts, and burns.
In our material section below, you can quickly navigate to all sleeves made with DuPont™ Kevlar®.
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Product Matrix
Some projects expose a wearer's arms to sharp materials and jagged edges where the highest level of cut protection is required. Then, others only need protection from scrapes, scratches, and harsh surfaces. Depending on your level of protection, we have sleeves ranging from cut level A2 to A9. We list out the gram weight protection; however, we also encourage you to read more on our cut-resistant level article if any of this sounds foreign.
newbb电子平台 Safety Sleeve Matrix
To better understand the different cut-resistant levels and different fibers used, continue reading our other sections. We also encourage you to read more about how cut-resistant levels are derived by reviewing our article called All About Cut-Resistant Levels.
Our above matrix shows all the current sleeves available when this article was written. Click here for our updated online catalog, which will allow you to select all the various attributes shown above, along with the different levels discussed next.
Level 2 to Level 3 Sleeves
ANSI A2 sleeves - designed for minimal hazards and only light cut protection.
ANSI A3 sleeves - begins to address more medium-level cut hazards but is still mostly only used for light protection.
Level 4 and Level 5
Primarily addresses medium-level cut hazards, with level 5 approaching heavy-duty cut hazards.
ANSI A4 sleeves - worn for medium cut hazards. Our cut protection page lists over 50 cut threats workplaces face. Only the safety manager or individual can assess the protection required for their specific workplace hazards. As always, though, the higher the score, the better protection worn.
ANSI A5 sleeves - used for medium to heavy-cut hazards.
Level 6 and Level 7
Primarily addresses heavy-duty and high-level cut hazards; however, not extreme cut hazards like the next section's levels do.
ANSI A6 sleeves- worn for protection against hazards that are becoming more severe, which we classify as heavy-cut hazards.
ANSI A7 sleeves - used for high-cut hazards. Currently, we only stock sleeves with an A8 score and above.
Level 8 and Level 9
Are used in dangerous environments, the most extreme environments that involve cut hazards.
ANSI A8 sleeves- used for very high cut hazards, ones that are borderline extreme hazards. Our A8 sleeves are worn all across the food industry and kitchens.
ANSI A9 sleeves- are used for the most extreme cut hazards.
• Heavy Material Fabrication
• Blade Handling
• High-Risk contact with glass, wire, metal, wood
If you require the best A9 protection available, we encourage you to read our A9 protection article.
Sleeves by Material
Aramid Sleeve Options
(Click image for all ARX sleeves)
Cost competitive aramid fiber that creates gloves and sleeves designed for Cut/Heat hazards.
(Click image for all sleeves made with Kevlar®)
DuPont™ Kevlar® is the ideal choice for applications requiring cut and heat due to its ability to withstand temperatures up to 900° F.
(Click image for all Hero sleeves)
Blended ARX™, stainless steel, and other fibers allow Hero sleeves to score exceptionally high cut-resistance levels.
Hnewbb电子 Sleeve Options
(Click image for all Hypermax sleeves)
Hypermax is a super-strong polyethylene-based fiber that provides high comfort levels, exceptional cut performance, and cost-competitive prices. Hypermax sleeves are made of a naturally cooling material that offers the wearer all-day comfort!
(Click image for all Dyneema sleeves)
DSM Diamond Dyneema is strong and offers extremely high-tenacity. Pound-for-pound, they are up to 15X stronger than steel, providing excellent protection from abrasion injuries and cut injuries.
Common Protective Arm Sleeve Questions
Will cut resistant arm sleeve prevent dog bite?
- newbb电子平台 Safety has not tested any of our cut-resistant products for applications outside of industrial environments where sharp blades are present. The highest-rated products we have tested are A9 sleeves.
Do arm sleeves protect?
- Every day, cotton sleeves will not protect one's arm from sharp cut hazards. You will need a sleeve made with one of the high-performance materials highlighted above.
newbb电子平台 Safety Cut Protection
We know many workers need to protect their forearms from hazards; newbb电子平台 Safety has over 68 sleeve options to choose from, ranging from A2 to A9 protection. Cut-resistant sleeves provide effective protection against cuts, scrapes, and even more.
For more information about extreme A9 cut protection and how newbb电子平台 Safety is advancing the newbb电子 industry, visit our Cut-Resistant Sleeves Catalog Pageand Cut Protection page.
Click Here to Request a Quote!
We welcome any comments, feedback, or suggestions for how we can best protect people at work.
For over 45 years, newbb电子平台 Safety has proven to be a world leader in gloves, glasses, and garments. Whether it’s on the shop floor, an oil rig, or a construction site, we are there providing solutions to workplace hazards. It’s all part of our commitment to protect people.
No matter your industry, we have the personal protective equipment you need.
Learn more about newbb电子平台 Safety by checking out our most recent video. For more information, browse our website, request a catalog, find a distributor, or give us a call at 800-955-6887.